Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crafted Prayer

Somewhere in time, my husband and I read and studied on a subject called "crafted prayer."  Most of what we read was written by a man named Graham Cooke.  I think the whole concept of crafting/scripting prayers around specific themes and agendas in your life is really cool.  You listen for God's heartbeat for something that you're focusing on/needing an answer for/requesting of Him...and you write down what you hear.  Some thoughts may trickle down over an extended period of time and settle into a groove that you now have a record of.  You can pray this prayer until you find clarity and feel peace.  And then move on to crafting the next one. 

 Right language is really important.  It's well worth the time to listen for exactly what it is you are trying to express;  and to hear Father's answer in the midst of all the words.  Writing stuff down is always a good idea.  Combine that with listening inside as the Spirit speaks and you've got a clear path.
Recently, Todd encouraged me to get started crafting a prayer about something in our life.  It was specific to his personal journey.  And though I pray for him like breathing, I thought it was an interesting opportunity to practice again with intention.  So I begin my listening homework for my husband tonight.  I'll report the progress.     

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