Thursday, August 6, 2009


When we listen, we learn how to speak and act upon what we're hearing...from the inside out.

It's one of the ways I help my children learn how to read. We do these phonemic awareness exercises that help them learn to really listen to sounds and discover how all things work together. If we pay attention and bring our focus into the present, it can help us gain understanding. We get used to hearing certain noises in our daily life and learn to tune them out. But every one of the parts has purpose. They are constant and significant. And each sound is a pathway to wisdom.

In the same way, God is speaking to us. In a whisper, sometimes in a shout...speaking life and abundance and encouragement to our every every moment. We must learn to be still and listen. We must be brave enough to hear God's story and perspective for our lives. He has good plans and strong strategies for living that he wants to empower us with. We gain confidence, and our creativity and resolve are multiplied by hearing His words.

The reason most people don't listen is they're afraid of what they will hear about themselves. I can promise you that the Voice that spoke us all into existence has perfect thoughts about you. They are beautiful and extravagant...and they never stop believing in your Holy Potential. If you have trouble hearing this kind of Goodness at first-sense, listen again. Listen behind the noise and all the mind-chatter. Listen for the truest kind of Truth about who you are... from the Voice that can never be silenced.

Turn your ears on. It's worth the risk. Right now. And forever.

1 comment:

jenA. said...

I needed to hear this today. (and everyday). Your writing is an extravagant gift. Thnx for being vulnerable and allowing us a glimpse.