Monday, August 17, 2009

Remember? Day 3

Hey, remembering is a good thing. Let's go another round...

Remember the sparkles and sunshine and falling stars, the feathers and happy-dances and visions for days. The oceans of hope and desire and the mountainous passion that God breathes into our dreams... that create momentum in our spirits for flying . The miracles and the magnificence... The magical melodies that weave through our life-song. They are still ringing out loud and clear. Hear them now? (Listen...)

Remember the brilliant Word spoken that created everything that we see...and the undertones and the overtures contained in that One Word. And remember? Our hearts were formed by that Word, too. And it's THAT Word that gives them wings.

Remember that He doesn't forget. He goes behind and before. He must REMEMBER the future. He is timeless...and even still, He stepped into time to help us we could jump into His shoes and try timelessness on for size. Who thought that one up? GOD DID!

Remember what an amazing thinker He is? And how all His thoughts are perfection? And He says we can have His thoughts if we will believe that we can. Glorious.

There's a verse in the Scriptures that says, "Let heaven fill your thoughts." I don't think that means throw yourself into the future and think about how amazing life will be in the after. I think it means we should let Heaven fill up our mindspace and take OVER so that we are constantly in the flow of life-giving, mind-altering, earth-shaking, breath-taking Abundance...right NOW. It takes that kind of thought to make a difference. It takes a multitude of those kinds of thinkers to change it ALL.

Remember how He called you by name to be one of THOSE people? Or if you can't remember that...maybe it's happening right now. Christ in you the hope of glory. Remember?

Hugenious! Hooray! NOTHING is lost. All can be found in HIM.

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