I have been working on a project on and off for about seven years. Between getting married, birthing four babies and taking care of the family, it has been a stop-start kind of progress. And finally, I can see the finish line.
The project is the development of a new art form...a holistic exercise/meditation program with body postures and movements based upon a specific theme. I can't give too many details right now as we are working on trademark and copyright. But I've had a lot of fun formulating these body positions and meditating on who God is in the midst of exercise.
If it sounds a bit like Yoga, it is. The deal is, I used to love doing yoga...I love exercising, stretching, calming, meditating. However, when I began to study the roots of Yoga, I realized that there had to be a redemption of it in God's thoughts. So I asked. And what followed was an amazing journey of excellence and revelation.
Needless to say, I'm excited about this. The expression is called Yadah which is one of the Hebrew words for praise. The meditations are not an emptying but a filling and are God-centered, focusing on openness and internalized Truth rather than self and nothingness (no-mind). No offense to those who practice Yoga. These are just my travels and experience.
About 4 months ago, my husband asked if I wanted to have another baby. I thought he was sooooo done. I've been the one that's been aching from the inside out for more (you know, the womb is never satisfied, right?). So I was surprised. But a funny thing happened...
Instead of jumping all over him in excitement, ready RIGHT NOW, I immediately said..."Wow, yes, I'd love to...but I have to finish Yadah first." It was like God was speaking through me and letting me know His order for things.
We set a timeline for the completion, the finish line indicating the beginning point for a try at baby number 5. I'm working each afternoon on the content and the last round of body postures. I don't fully understand how it will play out or how it will be released. But I do know this is something that I'm to produce that will be a blessing to all the earth. And I'm partnering with God to make it happen.
I was sharing the idea with an old friend I recently reconnected with and she really liked it. Within months, she had asked me to present Yadah in a session at a conference next June. And I'll be starting some experimental classes here in Denver in the spring.
Balance, order, and form. God's Word brings order. His Spirit creates form and causes things to take on their intended shape. Balanced living is the result. I'll keep updating.
Ashley, this sounds so so great. I look forward to hearing and seeing more as it unfolds. I love the redemptive and worshipping aspects to it. GO GIRL!
can't wait to hear more.... i just started some intentional stretching for the first and have been thinking that Father just loves us to move and breathe like this but He was missing from the instruction. will be praying for you. much love.
thanks, friends. it's my main thing right now (besides queening and mothering and teaching and cleaning and cooking and learning)...i'll keep updating.
Just had to clarify...t-dub is not queening anything these days. My words, his computer.
I have been waiting on this for a long time! Very excited and will subscribe immediately when you have a format that can be used long distance:)
Seriously, I love yoga moves because of the results in my physical body . . . can't wait to combine that with the insights God is giving you.
This is something I have thought much of as well. Knowing that there is worth in disciplines such as Tai Chi, Yoga, and meditation and that there could be a way of redeeming them for Christ or as you seem to be doing, creating something new in partnership with HIM. Yet, I never knew enough of each to embark on that journey. I have yearned for beautiful, form and movement that didn't feel adulterous. Also, I never really understood meditation practice apart from Buddhism or Tao. This would be such a wonderful form of fellowship as well.Much encouragement to you. I will pray for insight, revelation, and skill in this project.
Thanks, Sarah...for the insight and revelation-prayers. Cheers!
Thanks, Emily, for the encouragement.
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