Tuesday, April 23, 2013


That gaping wound.  That life of failure, unfit, totalled.  And you watched all those people pass by on the other side of the road...         agony.  They never noticed the holy mess, as you counted all of the pieces until you couldn't count anymore.  And somehow no one could see the multiplicity of angels that were dancing above your head, hovering like glitter-clouds,  a sure sign of Divine encounter waiting to happen.

And then...   the One.  The One.  The One.  The One.  The One.  The One.  The One.  The One...

The One and Only... Jesus... who made up for all that came before.  Stopping, rushing, seeing, touching, healing, faithing, loving, re-gathering, and letting the whole world know by His actions that...

In the light of heaven, we are all worth saving.
From every angle, beauty can be seen beyond dark disguises.
And Love covers...(and knows.)

You see, God has a NEW-pen, multicolored and miraculous.  

Where there is a wound...He scribbles over, around, and all the way through it until you cannot tell how He did it but all things are a wonderful brand of bright lovely artful new.

Where there is a need...He draws concentric circles of provision around the perceived 'lack' and you watch... and He barely picks up His pen and He's drawing ongoing remedy into your readiness... and as far as you can see...those circles do not have a stopping point...every little hope has His full attention.

Where there is a minimizing...and a want of proper esteem for the very GIFT He sacrificed Himself to receive...     [YOU!]  ... He writes a new and wonderful story along the lines of your living and has you COMPLETELY convinced with only a few words...that

                                                               YOU ARE:


                                                         from the inside-out 

                                               and He is seeing His reflection

                                                   in your wondering eyes,

                                              His shine in your holy mess, 

                                            His perfection in your potential.  

                                               He has drawn His image 

                                          into the very heart of your matter.  

                                                    And the rest is history.

And it is all true.  What was... what has come undone... what is... what Love has colored NEW.  What is yet to be revealed.  It is like rainbow-time-travel.  Forward and back until that colorful glory-arc is made more visible and vibrant than anything else.  It is all happening...at the very same time.  That Great Artist... transforming your experience in full. Bringing you from hopeless to living color.  Yesterday, today, and forever.

And one day along your way, there by the side of the road, is another...in need of some Love-illustration.

That gaping wound.  That life of failure, unfit, totalled.  And watching all those people pass by on the other side of the road...         agony.  The others never noticing the holy mess.  But you cannot resist.  And the angels are celebrating.  And you know just what to do ...here and now and always.

Then I saw a new Heaven and a new earth, for the first Heaven and the first earth had disappeared and the sea was no more. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, descending from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride dressed in beauty for her husband. Then I heard a great voice from the throne crying, “See! The home of God is with men, and he will live among them. They shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death shall be no more, and never again shall there be sorrow or crying or pain. For all those former things are past and gone.”

Then he who is seated upon the throne said, 

                                                      See, I am making all things new!” 

And he added, “Write this down for my words are true and to be trusted!”

Revelation 21ish

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Freshly-Baked Heaven

I am fairly CERTAIN that Heaven smells like freshly-baked cookies...


And since I am COMMITTED to creating the culture of heaven HERE on earth,

I have decided to bake cookies EVERYDAY...

We're three days into this new plan.

I am becoming SO popular in my family.


Isn't that what Heaven is like?


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Peace Continuum

As the world swirls 'round,  I am caught in the tiny center of this storm.  The evidence of evil is everywhere, even on the inside, it's footprints threaten to multiply.  But there is this one heaven-spot.  Right in the middle of everything-gone-wild.  And I remember...in an instant...

Divine peace.

Like a literal dove inside of my heart,  warming up it's wings, winding for freedom-flight, madly, deeply, passionately representing.  Whenever I hear the echoes of chaos, my soul surrenders to this precious sound...the sound of flying.  That signal-dove reminds me (right.in.the middle.of.myself) that no matter what...peace is stronger.  It trumps the turmoil.  It by-passes the mind.  It allows me to rise above the wreckage and cling to nothing too tightly but:  love of God and everything that He holds dear.

This wing-song is a reminder that the PEACE that Jesus made at the cross is the umpire of my soul...it calls all the shots.  And God's presence is nearer now than even a moment ago in this PEACE CONTINUUM.

I love that He is the heartbeat of my hope, and the whole of my duty here is...

to love and to be loved,

to know and be known,

(And how!)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The snow falls softly and changes the entire landscape.
I am watching from my hiding place.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sweet Intrusion

Don't turn away from a sweet intrusion.
Like the tears that fall down on a rainy day.
I can see through the clouds there's a Holy Communion
That's headed...it's headed your way.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

i did everything RIGHT today!

(taken from the journal archives, apropos today)
My lists are very long.  My idea fountain is always on.  My lists get longer.  And days seems to burn like time-matchsticks.  
I have lived with myself for quite a number of years now.  It’s amazing that it has taken this long to see  the light.  Before this week, I have literally been managing my own personal factory of defeat.  I’ve been working against my own grain…  frustrated with all the ways I don’t measure up…to my idea of what could be.
The lie:  You cannot possibly accomplish yourself.
Truth:  I AM.
It came to me like a cartoon wind blowing me out of bed one morning.  These words have reshaped my outlook. I started this week with this experimental phrase, spoken out loud, with God-confidence…
‘I did everything RIGHT today.’
Yes, outlandish.  Yes, positive thinking.  Yes, faith.  Yes, IDENTITY!
I stepped into Jesus in a new way.  I jumped into His big shoes.  He has purchased that place for me.  I am seated with Him, standing with Him, living in Him (my reality) at the right hand of the Father where the forever-pleasures go on and on and on.
I am rehearsing this new declaration because…
The instant my faith (agreement) met Father’s design for my days, EVERYTHING fell into place.  Like miracle productivity and extended stretchy hours in my day to ACCOMPLISH, to BE.
I am working this phrase into my dreams like baking fresh bread, so that the glorious smell of new mercies and opportunity awakens me to LIVE, to partake.  Each moment, nothing lost.  I am walking in the shoes of great confidence that in all that I do, I am blessed in ‘rightness’ to be a blessing of ‘setting things right.’  A wonderful red carpet for my day.
So why am I writing this?  Because I’m not sure it occurs to most people how underneath expectation we tend to live.  I  am writing to encourage YOU to stand on the mountaintop of your highest expectations of your day… and of your life and… commit them to the category of ‘right and accomplished’before they even come to pass.
I have done this in a general sense with visions of the future…  believing God for fulfillment.  But doing this with the daily moments is where we effect the greatest change.  The mind of Christ sees the end from the beginning.  See it like He sees it and say it out loud.  You will no doubt experience  a whole new level of LIFE. 
You can start right now, wherever you are…
‘I did everything RIGHT today.’ 

Monday, March 25, 2013

As we go...

[A Prayer for Health, Vibrancy, and Abundance]

Sweet Father...

We are learning to live into your promises, bringing the benefits of your promises and making them our functioning reality.  We make them our HOME.

And you are multiplying our days and the days of our children, as the days of HEAVEN UPON THE EARTH.  Brightness and boldness abounding everyday more.  We thank you.

Because Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant, He is able also to save me completely,  perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity since I have come to God through Him, and since He is always living to MAKE BLESSING HAPPEN...here in the present...As well as in the future or in eternity...BODY, SOUL, AND SPIRIT.

Thank you for renewing my strength, and for teaching me to fly, and for helping me to run WITHOUT WEARINESS, and to walk and never. give. up.

You have brought me health and cure.  You have cured me, with revelation of abundant peace and living truth.

My light breaks forth like the morning, and my health springs forth speedily; and Christ goes constantly before me; and His pure glory covers all.

Thank you that physical wholeness is a part of the finished work of grace, contained within salvation, paid for at the same time with the same healing blood.

Jesus, you are my REJOICING, you never fail, and on your Word and with a faith-gifted-and-knowing heart, I have healing just as I have salvation.

You have beautiful thoughts about me...And beautiful plans...For a beautiful life...  Right now and always living in peace, health, and prosperity.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Go Ons

Rock on, baby!  It's 2013...


  I will laugh like never before...

 and talk like I know what I'm saying...

 and sing out the newness

 in concentric circles of gratefulness. 

Oh wait, I say this every year... 

But I WILL NOT STOP.   I will go on like a party. 

I've already won this one.
