i did everything RIGHT today!
(taken from the journal archives, apropos today)
My lists are very long. My idea fountain is always on. My lists get longer. And days seems to burn like time-matchsticks.
I have lived with myself for quite a number of years now. It’s amazing that it has taken this long to see the light. Before this week, I have literally been managing my own personal factory of defeat. I’ve been working against my own grain… frustrated with all the ways I don’t measure up…to my idea of what could be.
The lie: You cannot possibly accomplish yourself.
Truth: I AM.
It came to me like a cartoon wind blowing me out of bed one morning. These words have reshaped my outlook. I started this week with this experimental phrase, spoken out loud, with God-confidence…
‘I did everything RIGHT today.’
Yes, outlandish. Yes, positive thinking. Yes, faith. Yes, IDENTITY!
I stepped into Jesus in a new way. I jumped into His big shoes. He has purchased that place for me. I am seated with Him, standing with Him, living in Him (my reality) at the right hand of the Father where the forever-pleasures go on and on and on.
I am rehearsing this new declaration because…
The instant my faith (agreement) met Father’s design for my days, EVERYTHING fell into place. Like miracle productivity and extended stretchy hours in my day to ACCOMPLISH, to BE.
I am working this phrase into my dreams like baking fresh bread, so that the glorious smell of new mercies and opportunity awakens me to LIVE, to partake. Each moment, nothing lost. I am walking in the shoes of great confidence that in all that I do, I am blessed in ‘rightness’ to be a blessing of ‘setting things right.’ A wonderful red carpet for my day.
So why am I writing this? Because I’m not sure it occurs to most people how underneath expectation we tend to live. I am writing to encourage YOU to stand on the mountaintop of your highest expectations of your day… and of your life and… commit them to the category of ‘right and accomplished’before they even come to pass.
I have done this in a general sense with visions of the future… believing God for fulfillment. But doing this with the daily moments is where we effect the greatest change. The mind of Christ sees the end from the beginning. See it like He sees it and say it out loud. You will no doubt experience a whole new level of LIFE.
You can start right now, wherever you are…
‘I did everything RIGHT today.’
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